Comparing Analysis for Adventure Website

Yangmin Zhang
RE: Write
Published in
3 min readFeb 19, 2020

Since two weeks ago, our Brand Design class got two client which would like us to help to design websites for them. Both of them are sounds relating. The client my group works for is relate to travel and adventure podcast, so I have explored about eight websites and tried to find the relating websites’ features and get some inspiration.

National Geographic & Outside Homepage

The top two I explored are National Geographic and Outside. Those two are two of the most popular travel and adventure related websites, and both of them are not only containing great articles, but also great podcast program for visitors. From National Geographic’s website, it is well known that its design system is very obvious — — black, white and yellow. It builds up a strong connection between their color scheme and their brand. Almost every visitor is reminded by the color. The Outside also has a special color scheme — — white & yellow — — and its voice frequency logo for podcast page.

Generally speaking, the rest websites I visited could be defined into two styles: storytelling, and sport specifics. Like Sidetracked magazine, Eldorado, and Roads&Kingdokms are in storytelling category; Clever Hiker, and Powder are in Sport Specific.

Although these websites do not provide podcast program but just words and pictures, even short films for visitors, they still offer good ideas for designers. Due to that those websites provide more words, information providing is one of their major feature (which is also the feature for National Geographic and Outside). Their color scheme are white (or light color which is close to white) background and black word. For Jungles in Paris, Sidetracked magazine and Eldorado, they have more picture on the layout. And the rest three have more similar news website style. Navigation is not too special for these websites. All the websites have the navigation. Some are hidden in the hamburger icon, some are directly shown on the top part.

The general feature for this kind of website, they have direct and simple layout. For better information providing, their text part are also clear to read and understand.



Yangmin Zhang
RE: Write

Masters Student in Strategic Communication Design of CMCI Studio, CU Boulder. “In me the tiger sniffs the rose.”