Designing a Personal Campaign Poster

How do I convey what I do in visual form?

Kelly Phillips
RE: Write
2 min readApr 1, 2019


This is my 3rd attempt at a campaign poster and going into this assignment, I wasn’t thrilled. I was out of ideas. How the hell would I convey my UX design skills in the form of a poster?

My personal branding is based around a cat logo/brand entitled Tiny Panther Designs. I have a [really adorable] cat, and was encouraged to use him as a starting point for my branding assignment. So after creating my logo and collateral, I was told I’d have to use my branding in a campaign poster that promoted my UX design skills. My first two attempts were flops…

Attempt #1: cute tagline and some photoshop magic. A little bit of info about what I do.
Attempt #2: Same tagline, but leaning into my branding more. Basically no info about what I do.

After my first two attempts, I was really stuck. My mindset was to stay “on brand”, and keep the cat at the forefront of each poster. But after listening to my amazing classmates and what they had done for their campaign posters, I decided to make my branding a secondary addition to the campaign. I realized that I’m making people aware of my skills, not of the brand itself.

Attempt #3: Changed the tagline, and added a lot more info about what I do. Less emphasis on branding.

I’m sure there are tons of corrections that could be made to my 3rd poster attempt, but I think this is more in the direction I should be going with this assignment. This poster shows my skills and what I want future employers and clients to know about me. I aim to create delightful experiences from the get-go, through my interactions with clients and my design deliverables. I did a lot of research on poster design before working with this idea. This poster set was what inspired me:

I really liked the visual of blending two different types of images and thought it conveyed my UX design process well. I still plan on making improvements to my poster, and possibly creating a set of posters to go along with the first one. But for now, I think my campaign poster has finally gone in a better direction.

