Designing The Re-Design

Derek Palmer
RE: Write
Published in
1 min readDec 10, 2019
Photo by Caitlin Wynne on Unsplash

So you failed, and failed hard. F-, red marker everywhere. Your deliverable should be illegal. Now what.

First question: do you know why you failed? Are there lessons to learn, or did everything fall apart in equal measure?

Second question as a follow up: is there anything to save? What about what you did acually worked?

Third question: Is success, as you’ve defined it, possible? If not, how far away from your initial definition do you need to go to get to possible?

Fourth question: Do you have enough money? This is a silly question, you never have enough money. Eat ramen noodles. Shiver.

My answers for this particular project I’m working on are, in order, nope, nope, pretty damn far, and no. So I’ve got an opportunity here to do literally anything to define and then solve my problem.

Which almost sounds like fun. Broke fun, but fun.

Photo by Jp Valery on Unsplash

