Do I have your attention?!

Rachael McAllister
RE: Write
Published in
2 min readJun 18, 2019


Personal portfolios.


How we sell ourselves in todays creative world really matters. Regardless what you think of social media we have to make sure the way we are communicating makes sense to people so that the message we are trying to send goes thru. I have started from scratch once again on my personal design portfolio after feedback from friends, family, and mentors I am starting back from where honestly I should of just gone with all along. Words. You see ever since I was little I was writing. Telling stories, making people use their imagination, making them think outside the box. When I go to galleries I am drawn to the white canvas with just a line. Wondering what is the artist trying to tell me?

So I took what I know and love and started over. A simple gallery inspired post modern with words and hyperlinks. No fancy menu, no gallery off the cuff, just a series of words to remind you that we are a series of moments, and what you do with your one shot at life really does matter.

That’s what I am designing for, the one shot.

So now it’s back to how I want to communicate more than just what I am capable of but a life force and essence behind it. To channel Dali and Stevie Nicks. To make the lines matter and connect only certain dots. To tell the story within the story. To make sense of time.

Can’t wait to share it all with you. See you out there.



Rachael McAllister
RE: Write

a wild soul married to business and law and forever learning how to move thru this world with a shutter and a pen