Dunder Ipsum: Creating a Text Generator

Kelly Phillips
RE: Write
Published in
2 min readOct 10, 2018
“Would I rather be feared or loved? Easy, both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me.”

I’m a huge fan of The Office. Like, to the point where I can recite almost every line from every episode. I laugh when people think having watched the series five times is “a lot”. Actually, I’m watching Season 2 as I type this.

So when I got this week’s Critical Making assignment, I was a little too excited to begin this process. The easiest part for me was spending an hour typing out my favorite lines from the show into a Google Doc. I stopped after I had around 100 or so. (“That’s what she said!”, “Did I stutter?!”, “I declare bankruptcy!”, etc.) I started the code portion using this super simple guide on how to create a Lorem Ipsum generator. Setting up my .html, .css, and .js pages was easy after following this guide, and I immediately got my pages working.

The harder part was designing what I wanted my page to look like. Adobe Illustrator came in handy when creating a new take on the Dunder Mifflin logo for the header image. I really wanted to keep the design clean and simple, to mimic the branding from the show.

Short video demo of Dunder Ipsum

I’d say the hardest part of this assignment for me was just trying to better understand the Javascript I was working with. I can slowly feel myself understanding this more and more every week, and I’m trying to stay positive! I just ordered two books on HTML/CSS and Javascript, too. I’m hoping in a few weeks, I can go back an change a few of the things in my previous scripts I was have trouble with. But for now, I’m happy I could finish this project and get everything working.


GitHub Repo: https://github.com/kellllyp/dunder-ipsum

