(Exactly) 100 Words on Creative Process

Jeremy Tinianow
RE: Write
Published in
1 min readApr 25, 2015

It’s half-past five a.m. and I’m lost. My desk is littered with half-baked sketches and smudges of graphite.

When I started making this thing I was determined that I had the right stuff to create something beautiful. Now I feel paralyzed. ‘I’m a fraud,’ I tell myself. Every failure I’ve experienced comes rushing to mind in a tidal wave of mortification.

With great effort I coerce my hands into motion. I embrace the entropy and head toward sights unseen. Time stands still. I step back and look at the arrangement emerging from the chaos. My mind whispers, ‘better.’

I am currently a student in BDW’s 50 week program. See my work here: tinyeahno.com

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