
Alexandra Eikenbary
RE: Write
Published in
2 min readMar 3, 2015

A major component of the program at Boulder Digital Works (BDW), the designer-founder accelerator program I am attending, is something called Start-up Semester. In preparation for this, we are currently pitching ideas to the cohort as we try to figure out what our focus will be over the next four months as we design, build and (hopefully) launch our ideas. The feedback for the pitches often includes examples of similar products. Lately this has lead into longer conversations about owning, stealing and recycling ideas.

Everything has been said before, but since nobody listens we have to keep going back and beginning all over again.

-Andre Gide

As engaging as these conversations have been, I’ve had this sense of internal disquiet as I engaged in them. It’s not that I think an individual owns an idea. One of the reasons I love working with smart people is because the ideas you start with morph into something even more amazing as you work together. I’m even reading a book called “Steal Like An Artist”.

It’s the execution of the idea

I use Dropbox to store all my files and I was pulling together some past work for a portfolio review on Monday when I realized what the missing component was.

It’s the execution of the idea that matters. Dropbox is a great example of execution. Storage and storage companies have been around for awhile. I’ve tried a lot of them, and a few are as easy to use as Dropbox. But Dropbox excelled in the execution of their ideas — both on marketing and the simplicity of the product. They made it easy for a new user to sign-up and they made it easy for a user to invite friends to join.

These are some great lessons to keep in mind as we enter Start-up Semester and start working on our own ideas.

I am currently a student in BDW’s 50 week graduate program. Learn more about the BDW program.

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