
Minsuk MIKI2038
RE: Write
Published in
5 min readApr 29, 2020


This is a redesign project of Lyft, one of the biggest on-demand ride-hailing services. This is not a case study. This project is not research-based. I made design decisions solely from my experience using Lyft on the web and mobile web.


There are several issues I found using Lyft website:

- Very easy to get lost in the website. It is nearly impossible to trace back to user — — footstep due unorganized UX flow.

- The main website does not give a lot of information about the Lyft service and other various services it provides.

- Difficult to figure out what kinds of services Lyft provides

- Lacks brand identity


RoundUp & Donate

Fare Estimator



Suggest redesign for Lyft web & mobile web and highlight Lyft’s strength over the other competitors.


I recreated the information architecture to make it more concise and accessible in order to resolve a big fraction of issues with complex UX flow.


Throughout this project, I decided to use the original brand colors of Lyft that I believe best represent the business identity of Lyft.


Creating wireframe, I focused on the main services that make Lyft special. Sign up as a driver or rider and fare estimate function were required elements. I decided to add Round Up & Donate service and Scooter introduction on the main page. Round-Up & Donate is one special aspect of Lyft that creates positive images of the brand. Lyft, unlike Uber, has been successful in making a good public image by such donation options and safe riding experience. Lyft Scooter is a relatively new service of Lyft which I thought very smart and thoughtful since it targets students and people who look for ride alternatives. By the time I was working on this project, Lyft Scooter was only supported in only three cities. Now only a few months later it is served in 13 different cities in the US.


Main Page

On the main page, the sign up/in the section is placed on the top. Since Lyft service can be used only when one signs in as either drive or rider, I decided to put this information up front. I used the original motto of Lyft, “Happier Driver. Happier Rider”, because Lyft strives to create a personable and friendly riding experience and encourages passengers to ride shotgun to facilitate engagement with the drivers unlike Uber’s mission and value, on the other hand, which seems to be more business-centric.

Fare Estimate

In order to provide clearer information about the location and drive route, I gave Fair Estimate page a full-screen map view instead of the partial screen map view of the original design. I also added estimated drive time from pickup spot to destination.

Lyft Scooter

The original information workflow requires a user to take several extra steps to see them. The original Lyft Scooter page only shows information about how to use on mobile phones and lists of cities scooters are offered.

On the redesign, I added information regarding the cost, requirements, and safety requirements when using Lyft scooter. These are crucial factors to be considered when using this service.

By the time I started this project, Lyft started its scooter service only in three selected cities in the US. They now offer 10 different cities in the US. I found this service very unique and unrivaled.

RoundUp & Donate

The original Roundup & Donate page thoroughly explains how it works but requires several more clicks to see list of charitable causes and opt-in buttons.

On redesign for Lyft Round up & Donate page, I suggested a list of all charitable causes to make it easier and faster to access charity information and opt-in option.

Round up & Donate function delivers an enthusiastic and positive impression of the business. Lyft gives the user option to opt in to round up their fare for donation. This specific service should be highly valued and praised. Most importantly, it is one big factor that makes Lyft more remarkable compared to Uber. Such function makes Lyft a business that actually cares about its people and society.



