Exploring Live Server for Prototyping

Meredith Fong
RE: Write
Published in
2 min readApr 23, 2018

In my Experience Design class we just wrapped up a project on design for social innovation. I worked with two other classmates to explore the following problem: How might we help active-enlisted military become more comfortable with accessing PTSD resources prior to deployment? We worked off of this question to develop The BattleReady Program for Military Mental Health.

The BattleReady Program (“The Platform”) is a web and mobile platform, which incentivizes current active-enlisted military personnel to pursue, access, and receive mental health services available to them through their military health care providers. Currently, information and resources regarding military mental health services and PTSD are disorganized, disbursed, and non-intuitive. As a result, active-enlisted military are discouraged to obtain the mental health services needed prior to deployment due to negative stigmas and lack of engaging material.

The Platform seeks to solve these problems through the following steps:

  • Create a design-centric platform focused on sourcing, consolidating, and presenting relevant information regarding mental health services in an efficient and context-appropriate manner.
  • Streamline the mental health services process by bringing mental health providers and military personnel into one platform where military personnel can intuitively identify providers, automatically view custom insurance adjusted cost estimates, and schedule appointments in one click of a button.
  • Provide effective incentives for military personnel to drive traffic to the platform.

I did the initial mockups in Sketch, but I decided to take this prototyping one step further by mocking up the website and designing using live server to see my changes in action. I started with a bootstrap template and then began making edits and adding content.



Meredith Fong
RE: Write

Creative problem solver living in Denver, CO | UX/UI Designer| www.meredithleedesign.com