Graphite and Paper

start cheap and easy

Dave M Laskowski II
RE: Write
2 min readDec 10, 2019


5 Number 2 Yellow Pencils
Number 2 Yellow Pencils

As a current experience design (XD) student with a graphic design background I had a level of understanding when it comes to sketching out ideas. I didn't realize how much of the XD would be pencil and paper.

“Prototype ideas early and as cheap and easy as you can”

Paper and pencil

Paper prototyping has also been beneficial to my work flow. It allows one to try ideas out with little resources and effort. The best part is user testing is still possible with a paper prototype.

Lines, grids, or, a blank sheet? This is one of the things I think about before I start a sketch or prototype. While some may think this is over kill the choice can have an affect on my work. I tend to prefer dot grids over all the other options.

When I first started studying design I did not consider myself as someone who could draw. I had to take a drawing 1 class in my undergrad program and lets just say I was the most improved over the course of the semester. At the end of that year we had a department portfolio review and one of the biggest and most useful pieces of advice I got was to draw something every day. While I still don't think I can draw that great I am more confident in my ability to visually draw my ideas.



Dave M Laskowski II
RE: Write

Grad Student, Experience Design | CMCI Studio, CU Boulder