Hello Challenge. I’m Here to Learn.

How I have learned to welcome challenges.

Catie Czajkowski
RE: Write
1 min readFeb 23, 2015


Each day at BDW, we are challenged by new tasks and assignments that push us outside of our comfort zones. The challenges are endless. For some they come in the form of code, and for others they are tackling a new technology. We have learned not to be scared of challenges, but rather to welcome them with open arms, ready to tackle whatever battle they may present.

It goes without saying that challenges are hard. They can push us off our feet and throw us for a loop. But, challenges exist for a reason. Challenges help to shape our character and define who we are. How we react to and face challenges also speaks to who we are. Challenges teach us the some of the most important lessons in life. They force us to step out of what is comfortable and push us to try new things. They help us to grow and discover knew skills and possibilities.

Do not let yourself be held back by challenges, but rather embrace the many lessons they are waiting to teach you.

I am currently a student in BDW’s 50 week program. Learn more about the BDW program.

