How getting a bike taught me to feel like a kid again

Mackenzie Christine
RE: Write
Published in
3 min readFeb 19, 2015

I found the perfect cure for the winter blues. It’s been a little over a month since I moved to Boulder, CO to attend graduate school at BDW. Fortunately, I was able to rent a car for the first four weeks, but last weekend I had to reluctantly return it back to DIA. Even though it was Buick, I was overwhelmed with worry about how I would manage without a car:

“It’s still winter! How am I going to get to school when it snows?”

“What about groceries? The buses are UBER slow here. I barely have time to sleep, how am I going to get fresh groceries?”

“Ewww I have to ask people for rides. I’m going to be so annoying!”

“Now I’ll never leave my apartment. Ugh I’m totally going to get depressed.”

Typical me getting a little over dramatic in my head. For goodness sake I lived in NYC for seven years you’d think I’d be used to public transportation and the good ol’ walk.

Well, this was just another example of how worrying is a big waste of time. Why? Because in the end everything always works out for the best. Always!

So how did this situation, what seemed to be my impending doom turn out so well for me?

I got a mother fucking bike!

Talk about a blessing in disguise, and it all happened quite serendipitously —

Last Saturday morning while perusing Craigslist I found the perfect bike. I immediately emailed the guy who lived 30 minutes away, and just happened to be coming to Boulder that day to a store literally three blocks from my house. We met up in a safe and public place (Craigslist murders have been in the news lately…), and the bike was in perfect condition. After a little test run I handed over the cash for my new set of wheels.

Needless to say, I LOOOOOOOOVE my new bike! It’s quite nostalgic. I feel like a six year old all over again riding around on my Big Wheels. It’s as if I’m playing a real life video game, and I catch myself laughing, smiling, and living completely in the moment. There’s also something very thrilling about riding to my 8am Barre class on a bike versus driving a car. The extra effort you put in to get from A to B is was very rewarding.

Moral of the story — cars are so overrated and everyone should get a bike. It’s the perfect way to bring back those childhood feelings of wonderment, freedom and innocence. Lastly, remember to trust that everything in life is unraveling exactly as it should. For me, being forced to get a bike reminded me that worrying about the unknown is pointless. Surrender and accept what is. Thank you Universe for teaching me this lesson, yet again.

I am currently a student in BDW’s 50 week program. Learn more about the BDW program. Follow me on Instagram and Twitter.



Mackenzie Christine
RE: Write

Creative Nerd, Curious Researcher, UX Designer, Problem Solver