How Spritz has changed the way I read

Dillon Propp
RE: Write
Published in
3 min readFeb 2, 2015


I have a love hate relationship with books. Reading has always been a struggle for me and has held me back. I enjoy reading and always have, but I’ve never been good at it. I’ve never been a particularly fast reader. I like to read slowly and often find myself repeating lines over and over again, either because I have trouble locating the right line, or for the benefit of my comprehension and retention. I was diagnosed at an early age with severe ADD, and attribute much of the problem of reading speed to ADD. Not to use that as some kind of cop-out. To the contrary I believe my ADD has given me an advantage in developing many life skills. The speed at which I read has never been one of them. A result of my slow speed has ultimately been reading less than I would like, and enjoying my reading time less. I’ve attempted several work-arounds to my issue. From technical solutions like books on tape to medical solutions like, brain training games, speed reading classes and beyond: nothing really helped, or allowed me to be captured the way Ifelt it a good book should. That is, until I discovered Spritz.

Spritz was first introduced to me during a speaker series event at BDW. The speaker that evening called it “the only truly innovative piece of tech he’d seen in the last 20 years”. This endorsement caught my attention. How could an e-reader be the most innovative piece of tech in the last 20 years? After class I decided to dive in and give it a try, what I found was indeed amazing.

At first I was very apprehensive. It felt like I was doing extra work rather than less work. I tried to read the words, then comprehend them in my head, and it felt overwhelming. After only a minute of using this widget, I noticed I was able to stop trying to read the words, and able to absorb the content automatically. It was as if the information was flowing into my brain. Astonishingly the reading test on determined the spritz reading method increased my wpm by 100 without any detriment to comprehension. How could something so simple be so effective? It was the answer I’ve been searching for….and so much more. My mind began to race with possibilities. Giant Spritz powered readers for the blind, e-readers tailored to help the dyslexic, the possibilities are incredible.

At that time the content I could get with Spritz was limited by publisher, many of the books I was trying to read were not available to view through Spritz. Today I use Spritz’s “Spritzlet” to read everything on the internet. It has been life changing. If you struggle at all with giving undivided attention to a piece of text, or are frustrated by reading slow; I recommend giving Spritz a try immediately. I recommend everyone go try it today regardless. It has the potential to change the way the world reads and absorbs information. Follow the link below and check it out for yourself.

Try it now at



Dillon Propp
RE: Write

UX designer and researcher + digital solutions architect @ The Integer Group. Building and breaking stuff everyday to make a better world.