How Two Men Predicted the Future

Thoughts from Isaac Asimov & Bill Gates | Their predictions are eerily accurate
RE: Write
3 min readFeb 6, 2019


I’ve been thinking a lot about my future lately. And coincidentally, the future that Isaac Asimov and Bill Gates saw was creepily accurate.

Asimov & Gates

After the first week of class I was asked to read an article “35 years ago, Isaac Asimov was asked by the Star to predict the world of 2019. Here is what he wrote

Strangely, some of Isaac Asimov’s predictions were spot on. Originally published December 31, 1983 —

“If we look into the world as it may be at the end of another generation, let’s say 2019 — that’s 35 years from now, the same number of years since 1949 when George Orwell’s 1984 was first published — three considerations must dominate our thoughts:

Nuclear war. 2. Computerization. 3. Space utilization.”

Isaac also mentioned computers.

“Computerization will undoubtedly continue onward inevitably. Computers have already made themselves essential to the governments of the industrial nations, and to world industry: and it is now beginning to make itself comfortable in the home.”

We use computers everyday! Whether it’s a desktop, laptop, or smart phone, computers are a constant in our lives.

He also predicted that jobs will be taken over by robots — true. We’ll be a part of a “high-tech” world — true. There will be an immense increase in pollution, due to our increasing population — true.

I stumbled upon another article today that reminded me of Asimov’s. Bill Gates made fifteen predictions back in 1999 and he was spot on as well. Read the full article here.

Twenty years ago, Gates made a list:

  1. Price-comparison sites.
    Example today: Kayak vs. Expedia
  2. Mobile devices.
    Example today: Probably the device you’re reading this blog on! But if not, you guessed it, a smartphone.
  3. Instant payments and financing online, and better healthcare through the web.
    Example today: We aren’t quite there yet, but there is a site called ZocDoc. The site that helps you find a doctor with a click of a button.
  4. Personal assistants and the internet of things.
    Example today: Amazon’s Alexa.
  5. Online home-monitoring.
    Example today: Netgear
  6. Social media.
    Example today: If you’re not on Facebook, Instagram, or Snapchat are you really even living?
  7. Automated promotional offers.
    Example today: Due to a company’s artificial intelligence and algorithm, Travel sites like Expedia and Kayak offer deals based on a user’s past purchase data.
  8. Live sports discussion sites.
    Example today: Twitter is always a happening place. This is one site where sports fans see to go to discuss the game, as it happens.
  9. Smart advertising.
    Example today: Another creepy thing? When there are targeted ads personalized to your demographic and interests. Smart.
  10. Links to sites during live TV.
    Example today: If you’re not on the Hulu or Netflix train and are still watching your favorite shows via cable, you’re still watching commercials. It’s safe to say almost all commercials have some sort of phone number or website to call or visit.
  11. Online discussion boards.
    Example today: Nextdoor - the private social network for your neighborhood.
  12. Interest-based online sites.
    Example today: Reddit - the front page of the internet. Enough said.
  13. Project-management software.
    Example today: Slack is a great example of project management through communication. I use this one everyday!
  14. Online recruiting.
    Example today: LinkedIn is a great way for people to find jobs. Recruiters can come to you with a click of a button.
  15. Business community software.
    Example today: There isn’t a specific marketplace for companies to find work as a whole. But there are sites like Fiverr that allows freelancers to find jobs here and there.

If you told me these two has a crystal ball I’d believe it. Let’s hear other predictions and see how our world will look in another 20 years. My predictions? I’m gonna have a great job, beautiful family, and happiness.

