I Love Outside-the-Box Conversations.

Caro Beresford-Wood
RE: Write
Published in
2 min readDec 10, 2019

I love intentional conversations, but I also love creative ones.

I collect questions. I have compiled a list of get-to-know-you and “icebreaker” questions because I don’t like talking about the weather.

I have questions about favorite pieces of clothing, about music, about smells and songs, and so much more. So far, I’ve collected over 200 questions and I use them all the time.

When I’m getting to know a new friend or I’m in a group of people, I love asking these questions because it’s so fun to see where they go. People get creative with their answers, and their answers lead to all sorts of different conversations and ideas.

As we are finishing up our time in Design Leadership class, I’ve been really focused on what connection and vulnerability mean in our everyday lives. I think that making spaces for these kinds of whimsical questions and sharing with each other means that we all have an opportunity to learn something new, to think in new ways, and to be inspired.

So, I wanted to share ten of my favorite questions from my list!

  1. If you were granted $5 million to create a small museum, what would your museum be focused on?
  2. What could you give a 40-minute presentation on with absolutely no preparation?
  3. Is there a book, movie or TV show character that you can identify with?
  4. If you were tasked with making a new holiday, what would it be? What traditions would it have? What would people eat on your holiday?
  5. What is the best room in your home? Why?
  6. What is your favorite thing about your hometown?
  7. Do you have a creed or a motto you try to (or want to) live by?
  8. Which sport is the most exciting to watch? Which is the most boring to watch?
  9. If you were royalty, what would your throne look like? What would you rule?
  10. If you had a personal mascot, what would your mascot be? What would it wear?

I hope that we all learn how to have awesome conversations, and that we get to know more about ourselves and the people around us.



Caro Beresford-Wood
RE: Write

she/her, queer, seminarian, aspiring handyperson, type 1 diabetic, big fan of animation.