Erin Rhodes
RE: Write
Published in
2 min readApr 8, 2015


In just a few short months I will be finishing up at BDW. The thought is paralyzing and exciting at the same time. For our short remainder of time together our two main focuses are on start up and life after BDW. Start up is is going to be completely consuming. We have only officially been working on start up for a week and I already feel the pressure.

Start up is unlike anything I have done before. We have three segments of time leading to our big pitch in August: design, build, and launch. During the design phase we will work through different user paths, sketch as much as possible and build our brand’s look and feel. Build is somewhat of a nervous subject for our group right now since none of us feel equipped with the skills to build the platform we are imagining for our product. Since we don’t quite know what our platform will be yet, we are unsure of what it will take to get it built. During the last phase, launch, we will work through business strategy and other aspects of launching a product. Lucky for me I have a very business savvy team. Throughout each segment we will continue to do as much research as we can to help guide our process. So far we have talked to a few individuals in different realms of our start up space that have given us lots of new ideas and have sparked more questions to find answers to.

This process is going to teach us a lot about research, design, product experiences, teamwork and so much more. After going through BDW and especially start up, I think we will each have so much to offer after finishing in August. It is a scary thought, but come August I liked to believe I will feel much more excited than nervous. Either way I am ready to take on this project we have started and I can’t wait to see where it ends up.

