In the words of Braveheart, FREEDOM!

Rachael McAllister
RE: Write
Published in
2 min readAug 12, 2019

It’s wild to be to think that I am already done with my Masters degree. That in a blink it feels like the shortest year of my life and the longest. I still remember like yesterday walking into orientation is a white dress from the farmers market with my best friend only for the next day to be hearing words like node, and rhino, programs I had no idea what did and now can actually kinda talk about. When I went into the program I wanted to leverage working for myself and learn new skills. Yet what I got out of it was a fierce reminder why we must always listen to our gut and advocate for yourself.

School much like life is all about trail and error, seeing how much you retain and what concepts you want to apply and move forward with. Some things I won’t feel called to use again while others are now staples in my toolbox. Yet I think that most important lesson school taught me was how to be again. You see lots of people think if you get a Masters then you will suddenly have a better job, life, money, the works. And maybe you will! Yet I think it’s important to remember that nothing is promised and for me this was critical as health issue after health issue and family dynamics came into play. This program reminded me simply to live your life how you want to. To check off things for you, because they are on your list and not anyone else's.

To know when to stop and to know when to keep going. For me this program will serve as a reminder to try something you wanted even if you change your mind and decide that is not what you want to be doing after all. It’s totally okay. Say it with me. You can change your mind. You can change your mind. You can totally 100% always change your mind and your life will still be amazing. In fact it will probably be better because you listened to what you actually wanted.

This year has been one of the most turbulent yet but have learned more about myself then any-other time. And for that I am grateful. And for the people who made this journey possible.

So on that note, I will have a Masters in my back pocket to pull out and to remember all the lessons I learned this year. To all the people that surrounded me this past year and everything I still want to check off.

And with that, see ya homework! Free at last.



Rachael McAllister
RE: Write

a wild soul married to business and law and forever learning how to move thru this world with a shutter and a pen