Learning is Fun — Exhibit Design at The Denver Museum of Nature & Science

Chris R. Kemp
RE: Write
Published in
2 min readNov 8, 2016
Image Credit: The Denver Post

When learning is fun, play becomes education. The image above shows a current exhibit at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science(DMNS). Two ceiling mounted projectors combined with an Xbox Kinect create a visualization of a stream with fish within it. When a fish is “attacked” it is removed from the visualization, teaching how bears hunt in streams. This creative combination of technology, art and education represents the future of pedagogy.

The creative department of the DMNS was kind enough to host IXDMA last week. We had several fantastic behind the scenes opportunities that showed how their designers work. We saw everything from the production department to the actual design comps of current exhibits. Their team of designers come from diverse backgrounds such as advertising, film and fine art. This diversity is one of their strengths. Having talked to the creative team and then walked through the DMNS here’s five things I learned about design.

  1. Simple is better.
  2. User’s need guidance within a space —
    I needed an graphic on the floor to cue me to a hanging ceiling display.
  3. It’s all in the details — a small change in light, sound or color can mean the difference between understanding and confusion for a user.
  4. Open Source is a great way to create — the open collaboration between museums on exhibit design is the best way to make the best possible final product.
  5. Know your users — Designing for kids and adults is a challenge because they both have different needs and ways of thinking. However when a design is both simple and effective, any person should be able to use whatever you put in front of them.

