Lessons in Lingerie Design

Gia Almuaili
RE: Write
Published in
2 min readJan 31, 2020

Part 2 : To Follow Trends, Or To Create Them, That Is The Question.

By Artist David Downtown

“Don’t follow trends. start them.” — Frank Capra

I don’t believe in following trends; To be a true designer you need to create the trends. For isn’t that what designing is all about?

The first thing that comes to mind when designing anything, is where do I start when designing the project at hand?

The simple answer is to create a mood board, the technique of mood boarding is popular not only in design fields but among many creative professionals including the fashion and lingerie industry. Mood board in design is literally a board (digital or material) which people fill with different kinds of things from photos to various textures so that they could visualize ideas and concepts. They are a good way to experiment with a color palette, fonts, and style as well as plan visual hierarchy of a project.

It is important to keep in mind though, mood boards don’t show the detailed picture of a future product. They are meant to transfer the right mood and bring the emotions expected from a lingerie piece.

Mood boarding is not as simple as you may think, it’s not just picking a couple pictures you find on the internet. Mood boarding is a process, one that you really need to immerse yourself in, and it may take hours and hours to find the picture that truly represent the words or feeling you have in mind.



Gia Almuaili
RE: Write

Strategic Communication | Designer | Design Thinker | Researcher | www.ecologiestudios.com