Let’s be present

Rachael McAllister
RE: Write
Published in
2 min readJun 27, 2019

In todays world it seems like any form of self care outside of a bath bomb is considered selfish. If you don’t go out, if you go to bed early, if you say no to making plans or if you don’t text back in time. So how do we take care of ourselves if we are still caring so much about what the outside world thinks?

I have been going thru a more organic flow recently. Waking up at a time that works for me. Making plans that feel right for me. Saying no and most importantly slowing down so that I can feel how these things feel to me.

and do you know what has been happening? I have been sleeping better, moving better, my relationships going better and some negative stuff too. Like certain people saying I am changing or that I am missing out, and that’s okay.

I have made it a goal not to be on my phone more then a couple hours a day. To post what I want, say what I want and be done. To go to bed and not check my phone first. All these things when you say them out loud seem like an obvious move but it’s amazing how engrained we all are now on broadcasting our life to the world that when we stop we realize who shows up for us and how we show up for ourselves.

and that is more then self care, that is a way of life and something I will “like”.



Rachael McAllister
RE: Write

a wild soul married to business and law and forever learning how to move thru this world with a shutter and a pen