Let’s talk about health

Rachael McAllister
RE: Write
Published in
2 min readAug 12, 2019

Ya, that weirdly personal topic where if you eat the wrong things or too much of this or that then suddenly you are doing your health and body wrong. But that’s not the health I am talking about. I am talking about self care and mental health. In a time where it has become so personalized and trendy and commercial how can we stay true to what we need to do to take care of ourselves? Also how did self care become a bath bomb?

It’s amazing the capacity that our bodies can withstand. As a graduate student, full time self employed human, girlfriend, daughter, friend the hats we all wear are never ending. So how does taking care of yourself become a priority? how does sleeping in, taking yourself to the spa or sleeping in become selfish and how do we take back control of what we really want.

I went camping the other day and slept in until my body woke up, I ran five miles before I ate and laid in the sun and jumped into the river and it reminded me how amazing it felt to live without a schedule. To tune into my natural rhythm and experience life again. While I know this is not always possible to just take control of our days and lives how can we take little moments to feel more connected?

How about we do go to bed when we want.

We do take ourselves to dinner.

We do say no when we really don’t want to go out.

These are ways that I am practicing how to take better care of my mind and body because let’s be clear, nothing works well if your mind is unhappy, and that happiness is never selfish.



Rachael McAllister
RE: Write

a wild soul married to business and law and forever learning how to move thru this world with a shutter and a pen