LOINK — The first challenge

Danny Tran
RE: Write
Published in
4 min readMar 22, 2015

This week at BDW, we have finally formed a team for our startup for the rest of the program. It is such a privilege for me to work with Nick, Jeremy, Catie and Alia on a social venture named LOINK, a platform that links you to local authentic experiences worldwide. For more information about the venture, please visit our CEO, Nick Clement article on Medium here: https://medium.com/re-write/help-me-loink-you-fea94ba45fc6

Alia, UI/UX Designer

What we have done

1) Ground Rules

Being co-founders of the company, we need to set ground rules and a core values of the team. We are individuals that came from different background but we all share a mission of creating an impactful value to the world and our environment. That why we are here together. Hence, we have identified three unique core values for our team. They are:

Trust, Transparency, and Respect.

2) Filters

Filters are important because they help us shift through ideas and stay focused on our goals. When we generate ideas or in serious doubt, those questions will help us to make decision faster.

Is the idea authentic?
Does the idea empower community?
Does the idea create positive social impact?

If the answer is no, no, no, we move on to the next idea.

3) Roles

A team of five is considered a big founding team for a startup. However, it is actually a perfect team size for our social venture. We all have a unique skill set from different disciplines that will surely set our team apart from the rest. Meet our team.

CEO and Business Strategist: Nick Clement
Product Manager: Catie Czajkowski
UX/UI Designer: Alia Munger
Graphic Designer: Jeremy Tinianow
Engineer: Danny Tran

4) Compete at CU New Venture Challenge Social Impact

CU New Venture Challenge is University of Colorado at Boulder’s cross campus entrepreneurship championship. It is an entrepreneurial flight simulator, giving the people in the CU community with an interest in starting a business a chance to give it a try while learning about the process through events, workshops, and mentors. The challenge is divided into three separate tracks including ITs, R&D and Performing Arts. Additionally, there is a social impact competition for any teams that demonstrates social and environmental responsibility. The winner of each track will advance to the grand championship event to compete for $10,000 prize. For more information, please visit http://cunvc.org

LOINK is a social venture, therefore we are competing for the Social Impact Prize in addition to the IT track. We are being asked to submit one-page executive summary and a powerpoint pitch with voiceover lasting no more than 5 minutes.

Jeremy, Graphic Designer

Given the short amount of time since our team formed, this is the first real test for our team’s work ethic and execution ability. We only had two days to submit our executive summary and the pitch.

Nick, CEO & Catie, Product Manager

It was not easy, yet we managed to turn it in on time. We fought. We argued. We disagreed. And yet, we got it done. In fact, we delivered more than what CUNVC Social Impact coordinators were asking for. They asked for one page executive summary, we produced two page. They asked for a powerpoint pitch deck with voice over, we produced a pitch video including many different shots from around the world that our team recorded while conducting research for our venture. We enjoyed the video and we think you will too, so you can experience it yourself below. Please send us a private message to ask for the password.

LOINK Pitch Video


This is the first of many tough, yet exciting weeks ahead of us while we are pursuing the venture. We feel we have set a strong foundation for our team to move forward and develop the product that we believe will change the the way you travel and experience the true meaning of life. If you believe what we do, please recommend and support us for the bright future ahead.

The first challenge completed!

Ghost Nick was recording the voice over in a makeshift sound booth. Do not get close to him.

