Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Rebekah Sosa
RE: Write
Published in
4 min readOct 24, 2017

Last week our class divided up into small groups to start discussing projects that we will work on for the duration of the program. My group selected design for social impact with an emphasis on local impact. We have narrowed our scope to Colorado because there are many critical issues in our state and we’d like to partner with NGO’s, government agencies and other stakeholders accessible in Colorado.

The first step in our research plan is further exploration of societal issues on a state and city level. We need to analyze the landscape, data and institutions currently involved in tackling challenges in the state. We will cast a wide net to start and narrow our scope as we continue our research. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs provides a helpful framework to explore some of the challenges facing communities in Colorado.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, developed by Abraham Maslow in 1943, is a motivational theory of psychology based on the premise that some needs take precedence over others. When looking through the lens of social impact, the hierarchy of needs can help us understand complex needs and human motivations.

Our most basic and fundamental need is the ability to access to food, water, shelter and security. Once our basic needs are met, humans have a desire to feel connection and accomplishment. This falls into the ‘psychological needs’ category. In order for people to avoid loneliness and anxiety they need to feel loved and accepted by other people. Self-fulfillment needs are at the top of the pyramid. According to Maslow, people tend to fluctuate between different levels of the hierarchy depending on their life circumstances.

Basic Needs

Colorado’s Department of Health and Environment has identified key public issues where progress can be made in the next 5 years. These issues were selected because they provide Colorado’s greatest opportunities for ensuring the health of the citizens and visitors and the improvement and protection of our environment.

Our group will conduct further research in these areas. I am particularly interested in safe and healthy food because it overlaps with some of the other issue areal like obesity and mental health.

Psychological Needs

Psychological needs include friendships, social and community groups. With a background in international development, I am particularly interested in fostering intercultural exchange and building community right here at home.

There are several organizations, such as the African Community Center, working with refugees in Denver. The ACC provides housing, case management, health, training and employment to refugees. However, refugee communities are often isolated. I am interested in opportunities to foster stronger relationships between refugee communities and non-refugee communities.

African Community Center

According the American Psychological Association, suicide rates are increasing for returning service members. The unemployment rate for veterans also outpaces the civilian rate.

“At the National Veterans Foundation, many of the crisis calls we handle begin with issues of isolation and loneliness. Untreated, this can lead to substance abuse, relationship problems and violent behavior.” -National Veterans Foundation

Our group will conduct further research to learn more about the veteran community in Colorado.


According to Maslow, once people have met their basic and psychological needs, they are able to focus on self-fulfillment.

“It may be loosely described as the full use and exploitation of talents, capabilities, potentialities, etc. Such people seem to be fulfilling themselves and to be doing the best that they are capable of doing… They are people who have developed or are developing to the full stature of which they capable.”
- Maslow

We will further research where self-actualization fits into our project, I envision collaboration with individuals and institutions at this level of the hierarchy to better address the lower levels of the pyramid.

Design for social impact is a very broad concept. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs provides a framework to identify needs, in terms of urgency, and to better understand people’s motivations.



Rebekah Sosa
RE: Write

I am currently enrolled in CU Boulder’s MA in Strategic Communication Design. My focus is UX design, brand strategy and front-end development.