James Collingwood
RE: Write
Published in
3 min readOct 21, 2016

Nintendo has just shown the world it’s greatest piece of technology since the NES original system. The iconic video game brand has just released a trailer for their newest installment, the Nintendo Switch. A seemingly basic stationary console immediately is put to the test as it can be taken literally anywhere to enjoy the same experience and quality as if you were on the comfort of your own couch. Besides being absolutely blown away by this, their are a number of positive aspects for what Nintendo has done here. From concept, to design, to the technology, Nintendo may have just opened up a new avenue of gaming that can rival the likes of new AR/VR systems as it is so badass but it still humbles you with the classic look and feel of what made us love gaming.

As biased as this may sound, I have nothing negative to say about this system. I do not know if it is because it is something fresh and new but everything about it is what I love about gaming. While stationary at home, it is a top quality system that still holds the rights to my favorite games (Mario Cart, Zelda, Mario, DK,etc.). Seeing how they incorporate these old time games is keeping me on my seat but it is the system itself that has me in completely agh. What they have done is combined the traditional system, a gameboy, and airplane gaming.

If you have ever be on a long flight from Los Angeles to Auckland, you know that you run out of things to do. On those flights, the handsets have a gaming feature and by the end of that 16 hour flight, you have played every game on the screen. What the switch has done is made those controllers their own brand. They take the luxury airliners with the multiple features and have made it accessible to everyone from the back to the front of the plane. When I saw that part in the trailer footage I immediately related to how incredible it would be to play that on the back of my small Frontier coach seat.

The Design….

Talk about Back to the Future. This game system looks like it has just been through a time warp and blends the classic greatness of the pioneer gaming systems with the awesome technology that lays ahead. Keeping the classic grey color of their nintendo 64 controllers, it really looks and feel like a Nintendo product. Another thing I noticed is the ‘suitcase’ feel the case above on the left gives off. Through their design, they do an amazing job symbolizing the movement of this system and its versatility.

Think of the possibilities…

There have been nothing but rumors coming out of Nintendo about this tech for the past two years. While the other top gaming industries have been focusing so much on their VR technology, Nintendo drops this. As a gamer from a young age, this is more exciting to me than VR gaming. It creates multiple new possibilities to play games but still holding close to the traditional sense of video games and making it SO accessible. The new VR gaming systems are big and can only work from your living room. The Switch puts that to shame because in our fast pace society, it allows gamers around the world to be able to play and smile wherever they go in a futuristic and badass way. I will leave this on one note, I cannot WAIT for March 2017 to come out so I can play with this. 10/10, Way to go Nintendo.

