One Pic Everyday

my Instagram photography passion project
RE: Write
2 min readOct 10, 2018


I decided to take a big jump on social media and start a personal project for myself a few months ago. Here’s the story so far…

Change is inspiring. Change is good. Change is everything. The world is always moving, changing, growing. Over the past few months so much has changed. I got accepted into grad school, turned 26, quit my 9–5 job, started waitressing again, started grad school, started nannying, fell out of love, and overall changed the whole schedule and routine of my entire world.

On August 27th, 2018 I attended my first class of my first day of my master’s degree. In one year’s time, I’ll have a Master’s of Art in Strategic Communication Design with a focus in Brand Design.

The irony of this date gave me the feels. Why? Because one of my professors showed us a beautiful project from a man named Jonathan Harris. Just nine years ago on August 27th, Jonathan Harris turned 30. That day he started a ritual of taking one photo everyday for a year. Why is this inspiring? Because, “Everyday there would be something. Somehow things would work out.”

“When I turned 30, I started a simple ritual of taking one photo and writing a short story each day, and posting them online each night before going to sleep — a process that took anywhere from ten minutes to six hours, depending on the day. I called the resulting practice Today, and continued it for 440 days, before stopping it abruptly when it finally became too much of a psychological burden. It was an unusually peripatetic time for me — traveling between art residencies in Oregon, New Mexico, Iceland, and Vermont, and the daily practice was a kind of emotional companion along the way. There is a short film about Today, made by Scott Thrift.”

Well Harris, I want to be in the moment too. I want to show people what I see in this world. It’s gonna be tough, time consuming, and a challenge. BUT starting now, I’ll take one picture. One day. Everyday.”

My first post:

08.27.18-1301 WALNUT ST

#onepiceveryday #boulderco #mastersdegree #gradschool #studio #gobuffs #changeisgood #jonathanharris

follow @onepic_everyday

