Porcelain…Not by Moby but by 3D Printing

James Collingwood
RE: Write
3 min readSep 3, 2016


3D printing is one of the most beneficial and boundless technologies of our modern time. The ability to print parts for your bike to parts for the human body, 3D printing is revolutionary & in a league of it’s own. Everyday, different designs and materials are going into the printing process and the results are spectacular. One of those materials is a new development made of a ceramic resin called “Porcelite”. Members at the design studio Nervous System took the material and the result is fantastic. Not only that, the new porcelain like material can help other aspects in our world in a critical way.

The end result of this printing process is stunning. The ceramic cups produced at the end are complex designs that Nervous systems calls “inspired by cellular structures, and was designed with the intention of insulating heat while keeping the outer cup cool to the touch.” This is a perfect example of taking something like a cup but thinking beyond its simplicity. Adding addition features to something we use on a daily bases and adding the flair to make it something more.

After reading a few articles on this new design from Nervous System, The design itself kept reminding of something deep in our oceans. Some types of coral hold this similar pattern & because of that, the 3D application can potentially help in a great way.

Coral Reefs are disappearing and being destroyed daily. Currently, reef systems are facing it’s worst bleaching problem in history due to the rise in water temperature and is greatly effecting ocean life. The construction of artificial reefs is already underway but through this new Porcelite material, the 3D printing of coral can capture a more realistic look and feel. In doing so, the ocean life that is so abundant in reef systems will recognize and assimilate better to the more natural feel. Being an avid diver, the regrowth of reef systems is very important to us on land and under the sea. With this new Porcelite design, we may be taking a bigger step forward to maintain the beauty and sanctity of underwater life.

3D Printed Reef
The same 3D printed reef 8 months later

