Portfolio Inspiration

I’m dropping a few here that I like…

Tess Stevens
RE: Write
3 min readApr 29, 2020


I had lofty goals this spring break of diving into building a web portfolio. But the stress of the sudden onset of coronavirus and everything getting shut down necessitated a less productive and more relaxing spring break. I have however been gathering portfolio inspiration and am going to drop some of my favorites here.

Non UX Portfolios

Jeff Burgess was my graduate student instructor when I did the Harvard Design Discovery summer program a few years ago. I really like the simplicity of his portfolio and the playfulness of his biography.

Denise Lu is a friend of a friend who is a digital journalist for the New York Times. I really admire her work. Her portfolio website looks like she might have coded it herself.

Malika Favre is an illustrator that we learned about in Parisa’s brand design class. I love the style of her illustrations, and I love how full and colorful her portfolio is.

UX Portfolios

These three I just found by searching through this list on Medium. I will have to continually peruse that list because I did not look through all of them.

Mathilde Amitrano looks like she is a UX designer searching for a job with a similar level of experience to me. I appreciate how she incorporated what she likes to do in her spare time into her web portfolio.

I like the use of movement throughout this portfolio. A lot of the text is animated in different ways, which makes the experience much more dynamic.

I like the simplicity of the color and layout of this portfolio.

When I applied to this program I created a PDF portfolio that I am hoping to completely revamp for my web portfolio. Here are two of the pages from that effort. As with many projects, looking back at it now is a little bit cringe-y, but I was happy with it at the time. I am hoping that our personal brand project in Parisa’s class will give me a good starting point for making my new portfolio.

