RE: Studio Group Work Experience

Yangmin Zhang
RE: Write
Published in
3 min readMar 9, 2020

Since last September, I have experienced multiple group works. Some are short-term teams, some are long-term teams. Among those teams, RE class’s team, DAY Club is one of my favorite teams, which also provides a lot of positive group work experience. An harmony and positive group work environment will produce more outcomes and construct a win-win result.

  1. Set up work style in the beginning
Meeting regulation

In the beginning of team constructing, we set up our work regulations as the preparation — named “How to work together”, “Decision making”, “When the conflict happens, ask for third-party’s help”. And every team member follows it well.

2. Emoji Check-in


The other group tradition is that we do Emoji Check-in before every meeting. If we don’t check that, it seems that we have not really started our meeting yet. It is a good way to be open to the team and also a good method to set up the communication bridge.

3. Group Documenting

Document in order

We have a google drive file for specific documenting our group work, including project process recording, different versions of slides, and every mentor meeting’s insights. Those documents provide a good support for our future work, and we could review it in any time trying to get new ideas.

4. Mentor meeting

There are about four mentors in our mentor list. We had updated meeting every semester with them. Keeping in touch with them provides a great opportunity for our team to get feedback from workplace. Usually their feedback inspires us a lot. That is special experience outside the class, which is an extra learning process.



Yangmin Zhang
RE: Write

Masters Student in Strategic Communication Design of CMCI Studio, CU Boulder. “In me the tiger sniffs the rose.”