Reflection on Fall Semester @ CMCI

Steven Douglas
RE: Write
Published in
3 min readDec 10, 2019

Coming into the program, I had a suspicion of what the program would be about but was obviously unsure. My expectations were surprisingly high as all the research I had done about it seemed to be exactly what I was looking for.

As we wrap up the first semester of the program, I can confidently say my high expectations have been exceeded. The structure of the program is remarkably current, thorough, and best of all, extensively industry-facing. I was very impressed by how quickly you are thrown into bigger scale projects, ones that I was not prepared for but am thankful for the trial by fire.

The teachers are very thorough and caring for their students. Critical Making opened my mind to worlds of possibilities that I had not even known were possible. And to my surprise, a lot of it was pleasantly easy and accessible. From physical computing to virtual reality, my knowledge of physical and digital creation tools has expanded exponentially.

As I’ve been told, Design Leadership was not part of the program in past cohorts. I think it was an excellent addition to the program this year. This was one of the classes I was the most excited about taking. It taught me the value of understanding others in order to become a respected leader. I’m looking forward to continuing this class in the Spring, furthering my understanding of how to an effective and balanced leader in the industry.

Favorite Moments

Late nights in the studio

The space we have available to us is pretty amazing, and the fact we have 24/7 access makes it even better. When my favorite coffee shop is full, I’ve been loving spending long hours in the studio spaces, working personal projects and homework for RJ or Rich.

Diving into subjects like 3D printing, virtual reality, and Raspberry Pi at 2 am is when I thrive. Looking forward to doing the same in the spring. I would love easy access to a speaker system though!

Blogs about whatever I want (basically)

I’ve surprisingly been enjoying writing the blogs each week. For RJ’s class and for Jesse’s. I like the freedom to write about whatever I want for Jesse. Finding a new passion in my writing was really enjoyable. My favorite blog to write so far was about what music I’ve been into recently. I’ve been a fan of music journalism for some time now, and love diving into it myself, even if it was very amateur.

Getting my body covered in tape

I can honestly say this was a first for me. Pretty sweet though. I can check this out off my bucket list.

Getting to know my classmates

Everyone’s got their own unique backgrounds and experiences. It’s been wonderful learning from everyone as each person is so different. Until coming to this program, I forgot what it felt to be around like-minded people who are interested in the same things as me. It makes for stimulating conversations and good friendship.

Overall, it has been a great experience so far. The program and Boulder have treated me well, and for that, I am very grateful. Looking forward to what the Spring, Summer, and May will bring! Bring it on.



Steven Douglas
RE: Write

CMCI Studio | Designer | Master of Something | Boulder, CO