Spring Recap at CMCI

Makenna Considine
RE: Write
Published in
4 min readApr 26, 2019

This semester I have learned so much about visual design. From the history of design by using red, black and white, x’s and sunbursts to famous designers like Herb Lubalin- I now am inspired to take what I have learned into the real world.

While there have been many struggles along the way, there is also so much that I have learned. I have learned how to make a presentation that will captivate the audience’s attention, and how to keep them intrigued. This is done by using less text and more visuals such as pictures, animations, GIFS, and symbols. I learned how to create a pitch and all the information that needs to be in a pitch in order for it to be successful. I have also learned the importance of the creative process. Creating mood boards, sketching and making a tone word list will help immensely when creating designs. It is so important to think through what you are doing before you do it.

Along with learning the creative process, I have also learned hard design skills in adobe illustrator that I will be able to use for future design work. These include but are not limited to making a color palette from mood boards, creating swatches, creating mockups in photoshop, using the pathfinder tool, the line tool, the pen tool to a certain extent, and creating logos. I learned how to create a book cover, the importance of measuring objects to get the right size, using InDesign to help with page layouts and text, and typography. I learned that mockups are what really sell your design, rather than only showing what the label would look like on a flat canvas, I now can mock it up and put it on objects for clients in order to really “sell” it. I also learned how to create a brand guide, and in that how and how not logos and designs should be used for brands. We learned about color theory, and how one color can look totally different when it is placed on different backgrounds or used in different shapes, patterns, etc. We also learned how to create web design and apps, and how to do so in a way that makes the app look good and navigate well, without looking too cluttered or too jam-packed with information on one page.

When learning about type, I now know the importance of pairing a serif with a sans serif and using tall fonts paired with rounded circular fonts. I also realize that if two of the same letters are different, that brings more attention and detail to the logo/ design rather than having every letter be the same.

In naming products, we learned to separate our brand into 10 subcategories. So for example, if you are naming a tequila brand, you would then take 10 sheets of paper and title each one of them with a subcategory that relates to tequila, such as 1. How it’s made with sub names such as “Volcano” “Tahona” “Pina” etc, and then circle your favorite names out of those to find the best match. It is also fun to look at different languages to see if a name relates that would make sense, I.E. “Zalud” meaning cheers or “Soyara” Persian for princess and jewel.

When reading Ogilvy on design, this book taught us the importance of researching a product before coming up with a design or advertising, even the name. The importance of research should never be forgotten, because it is within this research that the “AHA” moment will happen, which creates the best advertisement. I would have never come up with the name “Volcana Tequila” if I didn’t do research on how tequila is made.

Lastly RE has taught me how to work with others as a team in an understanding and patient way. Without the challenge of working as a team, my experience in the real world could have been much different. Although I have had to work in teams in past jobs, they weren’t always seamless and dynamic. I learned from my previous job that I have a hard time giving up ownership. By this I mean, if I have been doing a specific job for a really long time and doing it well, and being transferred to a new position, this means that I have a hard time giving up my old responsibilities and letting someone else take them over. I get very attached to my work and need to work on letting things go more easily for the betterment of the company and team dynamic. This is something that I will continue to work on. I appreciate working in team settings and learning from others because I truly believe that as a team, you work smarter than working alone. When you collaborate with others you can learn so much from them, and in turn, learn a lot about yourself.

I have also learned the importance of storytelling. Without getting someone to care about what you are saying with a great story to back it up, your presentation won’t sell itself. This works in many different aspects of life, and even in sales. when creating a design and brand, there should always be a great story behind it. One of my favorite stories within a brand is Cliff Bar, because he saw a problem and found a solution. Some of the best stories start out with how they saw an opportunity to create something that wasn’t out there yet, and their process in creating a product that everyone will love that nobody has ever heard of before.

I am thankful for all that I have learned, and all that I have yet to learn over the summer and beyond. I am excited to collaborate with others over the summer to learn much more, and lastly thankful for this experience in general, to have met so many wonderful, creative smart and thoughtful people, students and teachers.



Makenna Considine
RE: Write

Masters student @ University of Colorado Boulder // Focus in Brand Design