Studio: Lessons from October

Cal Brackin
RE: Write
Published in
6 min readOct 29, 2020
Cal Brackin

Last year, I followed the Strategic Communication Design cohort intently and truly appreciated the insights by students like Yvonne Danyluck and Steven Douglas. What is lost on outside observers, who only get a glimpse into the program through Medium posts, is the amount of work being done in multiple classes and extracurriculars. Students take on a lot and the classes are crafted by instructors to be demanding. Each month, I’ll be sharing a summary of what I’ve been doing in each class and including the extracurriculars that I’ve taken on that support my development this year.

Critical Making

Coding: We’ve been working on coding throughout September, learning HTML, CSS, Javascript, and explored APIs. Our dive into coding showed how intensely interesting and creative it can be that delivers the satisfaction of really feeling like you are making something real.

Taking notes for coding

Introduction to Computer-Aided Design: We were introduced to CAD programs like Rhino and Fusion 360, which allow us to create 3D models. I got to explore a clothing-specific CAD program called CLO3d and an iPad Pro program called Shapr3D.

Parametric Design: In these projects, we attempted to alter a 3D model we built into different sizes while keeping the form. In this project, I didn’t get very far and will need to revisit this concept.

Product Visualization: We used Adobe Dimension to add a level of completeness to our 3D models by visualizing them in ways that make them look realistic.

Entrepreneurship Design

Visual Design: We worked on Prototyping and Visual designs of apps that we created. The theme was to-do apps. I created one that was, admittedly, mediocre in thought and visual design, but that is how it all goes the first time around.

Problem Spaces: In the Entrepreneurship Design class, we were provided three problem spaces to choose from and then were assigned to groups based on interests. The themes were Education, Human Connection, and the Future of Work. I chose the Future of Work and was grouped with Heather Kraft, Jacque Walo, and Mye Ponrattanasiri. This is an OUTSTANDING group and we’ve set a great foundation for working together and taking strides in creating a project to address the Future of Work.

Design Leadership

This class is an emotional intelligence exploration where we discuss traits of leaders and leadership. In this early stage, we are trying to understand the inner-emotions and motivations of what makes good and stable leaders. Naturally, we are discussing empathy, dignity vs. respect, resilience, and the way our brains are impacted by stress and conflict. We are also reading a fascinating book called, Difficult Conversations.

User-Experience Design

Information Architecture: We discussed wireframes, user flows, and information architecture. We looked at different websites and provided an audit to see how information is displayed, organized and captured.

Critical Pathways and Navigation: We imaged a product or service we would like to pursue and then wrote out the key-critical pathways, user flow, site map, and navigational model our app might take.

Low-Fidelity Prototypes: Continuing with our product, we crafted a low-fidelity (sketched) prototype that we tested on users.


Pitchure Perfect: I started a new business venture with a long-time friend, Jesse Martinek. He is a CU-Leeds Business alumn and entrepreneur with CEO, co-CEO, and start-up endeavors to his name. We’ve developed a business that helps entrepreneurs and early-stage innovators in their pitch process. I pitched this business to the CU Innovation and Entrepreneurship initiative and was awarded $200 to be able to purchase a few needed supplies. We already have two clients who we’ve contacted (yep, getting paid!).

Check out our website for more information:

Pandemic Innovation Competition: I signed up to be a part of a pitch competition with the theme of creating a business idea to confront an industry impacted by the pandemic. I am on a team of three with a Law student and a Mathematics student.

Learning to Sew: The on-campus Idea Forge is a resource for ideation and making. I’ve been able to rent sewing machines to learn how to sew and make a few products.

Design Sketching: I’ve been learning how to do a bit of design-sketching on my iPad Pro in a method detailed by Fed Rios.

Class Sketchnotes: Although this is a part of my classes, it is something that I do on my own, and think they are valuable for tracking what I am doing and practicing!

