Talking To Myself

RE: Write
Published in
1 min readApr 7, 2020

This week I’ve been working on building out the audio aspect of my RJ/RE project—Creating a VR environment to simulate depression. The room I am currently building out is a Wayfinding room of sorts, the goal for the user is to find their way outside by following the advice of disembodied voices. The problem is, “outside” does not exists in this space, and most of the voices that you hear are insulting you for not finding the way out.

I expected this project to be mentally draining—as depression isn’t an easy subject especially when you’re trapped in quarantine with your thoughts for days on end—but I don’t think I realized how detrimental to my health this could be until I sat and listened to my own voice insult me for 3 hours.

Don’t get me wrong, I am super invested in this project and am having a blast playing with audio like I’m a 90’s DJ, but the content is emotionally draining. That probably means I’m on the right track though… right?

