Thanksgiving Reflections

Practicing gratitude this week (and every week)

Tess Stevens
RE: Write
3 min readDec 10, 2019


Thanksgiving week has come and gone with the requisite small family dramas and delicious food. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I want to write out some of the many things that I am thankful for this year.

1. My family

For supporting my life changes and always being available to brainstorm anything!

2. My healthy body

I’ve been focusing more on pushing myself with fitness lately, which feels particularly necessary given the ease of access to the outdoors in Boulder. I don’t consciously appreciate how well my body feels until I get sick and suddenly it’s all I can think about, but it really is so amazing what our bodies can do.

3. Nature & Sunshine

Moving back to Colorado combined with going back to a student schedule has given me more access to sun during the daytime hours than I’ve had in years, and boy does it make a difference in my overall contentment.

4. New beginnings

I’m grateful for opportunities to keep reinventing myself in new places. This fall has been full of newness, and it’s been so invigorating.

5. Time (to try and fail)

I’m grateful for this year of trying out new technologies, brainstorming crazy ideas, being able to mold assignments to my interests. I know that most people don’t have the opportunity for a year like this, and I’m happy to be here.

6. Communication

My friends from Maine home, Colorado home, college, and post-college are spread all over the country (and globe) and I’m grateful for the 21st century ease of communication. As someone who aggressively prioritizes keeping in touch with friends, I’m so thankful for long phone calls and video chats that make the distance feel like nothing.

7. Friends

The people I have in my life are pretty awesome. I’m grateful for all the friends this year that have been down to endlessly chat/give book recommendations/be interviewed for class projects/etc. And I’m grateful for all the people I haven’t talked to recently who I will eventually see or get back in touch with and it feels like no time has passed.

8. Change makers

It often feels like so much is going wrong in the world, but it also feels like there is endless opportunity for innovation and change. I’m grateful for the people out there fighting for their causes, cleaning the ocean, starting sustainable businesses, caring for each other, etc. So much inspiration out there!

Wow I’m in such a good mood now after writing out this list 😁

the planet rocks!!

