Catie Czajkowski
RE: Write
Published in
3 min readJan 18, 2015


The Amazing Things I Have Been Introduced To At BDW

I can not even believe all of the amazing things I have been introduced to since starting BDW (I probably should have started keeping a list on day 1). The following are just some of my favorite.

The amazing technology.

Since starting BDW, I have learned how to approach and play with the constantly changing technology in our world. I frequently think back to one of our first Creative Technology classes where we were introduced to an Arduino. We were asked to make a LED blink by following a printed tutorial. There were a lot of confused looks around the room. After a good 45 minutes of trouble shooting, we had all successfully made our LEDs blink (and we were all feeling pretty darn proud of ourselves). While I was still not 100% sure what I had really done to make the LED blink, as I drove home light bulbs began to go off in my own head. I arrived at home (at nearly 9PM) wanting to learn more. I searched online and was inspired by the hundreds of projects that I discovered could be done with this little piece of technology.

By the next week, our class had moved on to exploring another piece of technology. Because that is what we did. We were exposed to something new each week, tested it out, and moved onto the next cool thing. We played with Arduino’s, Oculus Rift, Google Glass, API’s and many more. It was totally awesome. Our class was not about becoming an expert in one piece of technology, but rather becoming comfortable with the unknown.

The amazing people.

BDW is so much more than your average school. Heck, its so much more than your favorite school. BDW is an experience all of its own, because it is not just classes that make BDW so amazing, it is the people. The people that surround you when you are at BDW are some of the most amazing people out there. They are kind, creative, inspirational, and eager to learn. They offer innovative insight on problems and work collaboratively with peers.

I think we would all agree that the first week or two was somewhat awkward. Most people had no idea what to expect from classes and we didn’t know each other. People came to class, left, and came back for the next class. But that was only the first week, or two. Since then, we have formed a family, who not only learn together, but laugh and dine together as well. Our family doesn’t just include the students, it includes all the teachers and alumni of past BDW cohorts. As this semester begins, we welcome five new students into cohort 7. I am excited to learn from all the new faces and welcome them into our family!

The amazing projects.

One of my favorite projects thus far has been in our Creative Technology class. We were tasked to incorporate “web of things” concepts into the Pearl Street Mall in downtown Boulder to create an integrated, “smart” experience for users of Pearl Street. Since both my partner and I have backgrounds in Environmental Design, we were excited for the opportunity to integrate a new piece of technology into what has historically been called the “heart” of Boulder. Previous knowledge of kinetic floor tiles caused us to dig deeper, and through further research we discovered Pavegen tiles. Pavegen, based in London, is in the process of developing and refining kinetic floor tiles that captures and convert kinetic energy from the footsteps of people passing by into renewable electricity. Our project, titled “People Power Pearl,” recommended that a handful of these tiles be intermingled throughout the Pearl Street Mall. As people walked up and down the mall and moved over the tiles, kinetic energy would be captured, which could be used to power streetlights throughout Pearl Street. This project has inspired me to look at the built environment in a new way. A way that I was never introduced to before entering BDW.

At BDW I have learned to dive head first into projects and uncover multiple solutions. BDW has taught me to challenge myself and take risks. I look forward to the semester that is ahead of us. Already, we have been challenged to design for new technologies and pushed to take on new roles. I am eager to create innovative solutions to all the problems that we will be tasked with over the next several months! Let our creativity lead the way!

I am currently a student in BDW’s 50 week program. Learn more about the BDW program.

