The Whoops and the Poops — Round 2

The Highs and Lows of my Second Semester in Grad School

Erin Stenzel
RE: Write
3 min readMay 9, 2018


Less than one week until I can temporarily have a life again. After this past semester, I could definitely use a good week of being in a comatose-caveman state of mind, where I only respond to human interaction by grunting, throwing rocks, or drawing stick figures. To put it lightly, this semester kicked my ass and I am looking forward to a break.

Last semester, I summarized the beginning of my grad school experience with “The Whoops and the Poops.” With less than a week left until Spring semester is over, I figured I would do it again. Here are my Whoops and Poops of Spring semester — starting with the Poops.

The Poops

  • The time I was crossing the street at the hospital and was hit by an ambulance van. Yes - an ambulance van (laughing is encouraged, I only suffered minor scrapes and bruises).
  • The time I got in a road rage incident on the way to school, only to realize 5 minutes later it was with a classmate.
  • The time my mom came to visit me at school and tripped over a carelessly placed wire and broke her elbow.
  • The week where I suffered from stress-induced vomiting. One of times, I had to pull over at a McDonald’s, threw up for 10 minutes, and then sobbed in my car while eating a cheeseburger. It was a damn good cheeseburger.
  • The time I watched Prince of Egypt two days in a row because I wanted calming music on while I worked…(or so I tell myself)

The Whoops

  • The time my classmates showered me with casseroles, chocolate, popcorn, and wine after I got hit by an ambulance van and subsequently found out that a close family member has cancer (the cancer part was a poop).
  • All the times I got free coffee from Capital One just for being a student. They also gave me a free stress ball that has since turned into a shriveled-up stress booger from too much squeezing.
  • The time my group, Noble Roots Kitchen, was selected as a finalist for the New Venture Century (NVC) Women’s Entrepreneurship Prize and had the opportunity to pitch our startup idea to investors.
  • The time Noble Roots Kitchen was also chosen to participate in Catalyze CU, a 10-week summer startup accelerator (Do you notice a pattern here? Noble Roots Kitchen is taking over the world).
  • The time Ashley Judd liked one of my feminist tweets.
  • And lastly, all the days I made it through without crying (I could probably count the number of times on my hand, but still an achievement none-the-less…)
Noble Roots Kitchen

While Spring semester is just about over, my grad school adventure continues through August. Wish me luck ya’ll.



Erin Stenzel
RE: Write

Modern Feminist Designing for Social Innovation