Weather App UI Design

Yangmin Zhang
RE: Write
Published in
2 min readJan 28, 2020
Weather Icon (Picture from Internet)

Last week, we did a design workshop in RE Studio class. All of people were divided into 3-people-group. We experienced individual mindset, user flow design, prototype sketch and group discussion processes.

First, I mapped out the users’ steps to see how I use a weather app usually and how I could simplify their journey to help them reach their requirement with this app.

User Flow for Weather App

Basically, when users use a weather app, they would like to check the temperature. Besides that, users also care about the change of the weather and other more detail information, including the strong of sunlight, rain rate and snow rate which influences people’s wearing and trip mode. If users need to go to a place for a period, those period’s weather report will be significant for them.

After group discussing each user flow and exchange feedbacks, I sketched the final version prototype.

Sketch for the Weather App

The first enter page is first interface users will see when users first time use this app. Under the logo of the app, users could decide to fill up the location or go to the setting page. If users choose searching, they will directly see that location’s weather situation currently. That will also be the home page when users next time open it. If users choose the setting page, they could go to the setting part and customize their own preference for the weather situation showing interface. On the same interface, they could also search a period’s weather situation or just a single day’s. Another specific design for this app is the notification, which will be simply shown by an animation even when the phone is under standby.



Yangmin Zhang
RE: Write

Masters Student in Strategic Communication Design of CMCI Studio, CU Boulder. “In me the tiger sniffs the rose.”