What does art feel like to you

Rachael McAllister
RE: Write
Published in
2 min readJun 18, 2019

Is it an explosion of colors and mess of shapes? Is it something simple that sticks with you for days. Is a quote, or an abstract painting? How do you define what art is and what inspires you?

These are all things I have been thinking about as a plan my final portfolio. How to engage my audience is the most impactful way. What I want them to walk away thinking, feeling, telling their friends about. What art feels like to me is also driving my choice. How I interact with my environment and things that I remember for decades are inspiration I am pulling.

I am currently working on two installation. One about the environment and one about our health and how much control we have over it. Things I am playing with are light, glass, nature, physical bodies and spaces and setting them up in a massive scale.

Following lots of inspiration from Dali to the everyday citizen.

I am excited to explore and expand this new side of my artistic self and share it with others.



Rachael McAllister
RE: Write

a wild soul married to business and law and forever learning how to move thru this world with a shutter and a pen