What Telluride taught me

Rachael McAllister
RE: Write
Published in
2 min readAug 12, 2019

Telluride and Maui always feel like home, it’s the intersection of nature and nurture and a deep passive understanding of what’s actually important. When I go to coffee in either of these places and conversation start it seldom goes to what you do, and you know why? People are tapped into the bigger picture. In Maui it’s all about surf, sleep, sun, and soaking it all up. In Telluride it’s much of the same. Exploring all options and being outside as much as possible. It’s about sleeping under the stars, not having an app that lulls you to sleep. It’s about being outside, not a sound machine.

Tech is this amazing, chaotic, ever changing machine. Here as I type to share all of this with you. Yet, is this really helping our mental state and creativity not to mention just our state of being? most would say no. before you come at me think about all the things that help make your life easier. Is it really helping or just doing it for you? Does it make you engage with it such as an app or does it just passively help like a remote vacuum that you then still have to change and most likely vacuum again.

I am on a personal quest to get back to what really feels good. To the life that feels the best to sustain and to make positive changes. To the one that feels authentic and not competitive on money and posts with likes. To ride the surf and ski the wave at all the places my soul feels most free. To sit at the community table and have coffee and to see less kids on their iPads at dinner and talking more. habits are like language if we stop speaking we loose them. Things like eye contact, stillness, slowness and being outside should be primal again, a habit not something to loose, and a reminder to yourself to not loose yourself.

See you in the surf



Rachael McAllister
RE: Write

a wild soul married to business and law and forever learning how to move thru this world with a shutter and a pen