Why failure means nothing to me

Rachael McAllister
RE: Write
Published in
3 min readJul 23, 2019

Let me tell you about a word that doesn’t exists in my world. It’s failure. I know what you are thinking, people fail at things all the time! it is a word! it does exists! sure, it’s a real world but people attach meanings to words all the time and I decided a long time ago I would never attach failure again, and let me tell you why.

In order to fail you have to try. So why are we putting so much pressure on something such as failing that discourages people to try in the first place? that puts an insane pressure on them? and can be traumatic. So I stopped. At around age 17 I decided I wanted to shoot high profile musicians full time and work with the best of the best. I can tell you I never would have accomplished what i did if failure existed in my world. I submitted hundreds of press requests and so many said no. Did that hurt? sure. Did I think of it as failure? no. It motivated me to try harder or in other choices it reminded me that my path was different.

When I decided to go back to school and get my Masters I thought the program would be totally different then it actually was and has been. Do I think of that as failure? no. I know lots of people who do see it as failure. That I am going back to school only for me and most of my classmates and I don’t vibe but heres a secret, you only have one shot at this. Really hear me when you read this, hell say it out loud everyday. You have one shot at life. So go try and do and be and become everything you have ever wanted and more! Don’t let something as silly as not trying keep you from the front row in the press pit, or getting your Masters, or asking for that persons number, or moving on a whim and thinking you are missing out. You are not missing out if you are doing what you want.

but you are missing out if you try and live someone else life or live up to the expectations of others. Do what feels best to you.

and remember, failure is full of shit.



Rachael McAllister
RE: Write

a wild soul married to business and law and forever learning how to move thru this world with a shutter and a pen