Why I Love Design

I feel very fortunate to have found a path that I feel is right for me. Recently, I asked myself the question: why do I love what I do?

Sarah Cohen
RE: Write
2 min readJul 23, 2019


Photo by Alvaro Reyes on Unsplash

I feel very fortunate to have found a path that I feel is right for me. Recently, I asked myself the question: why do I love what I do?I am a UX designer, but I also do some visual design and branding. For me, the best part about the design is the balance: art and science, strategy and creativity, research and intuition. Being a designer allows me to flex both the left and right parts of my brain. Throughout this year, I have been able to dabble in psychology, history, computer science, interior design, pop culture, marketing and industrial design.

I have a business background, and while I loved the strategic challenge, I found it lacking in creative opportunity. Design enables me to use the skills I learned in my undergrad in a much more visual and empathetic way, advocating for the needs of both the business and the user.

I love the process of design, a messy journey of research, trial and error. I have always found human behavior extremely interesting, and enjoy getting to talk to new people about the way they think.

It may be nerdy, but love flow charts and journey maps and mental models. As a strong visual thinker, it is refreshing finding other people who work the same way when problem solving.

Design also allows you to move across industries, which keeps it interesting and fresh. Working in digital design allows me the opportunity to be a part of the booming tech industry, which is exciting and promising.

In a world where we are surrounded by people complaining about their jobs, sometimes it is nice to remind ourselves why we do what we do. The reason I design is about balance, but I think it all comes down to the opportunity to solve problems. Why do you design?



Sarah Cohen
RE: Write

Experience Design Student | CMCI Studio, CU Boulder | Inspired by good coffee, sunny weather and passionate people.