From NASA’s image reserve on Flickr Commons. Source

Why I’m Leaving the Golden Handcuffs of Silicon Valley Behind to Educate the World

The greatest secret of Silicon Valley: There’s meaningful work to be done, and it’s not all in the valley.

Joe Toscano⚡️
Published in
7 min readJun 14, 2017


Silicon Valley is the land of the machine. If you’re not trying to make self-driving cars, self-conscious computers, or the next boring company, you’re not keeping up. Technology and the things we are capable of creating are advancing at unimaginable speeds. Things are moving so fast, in fact, that a majority of the world is unable to keep up. We saw the results of this lack of understanding in the previous US election, when this man was elected:

Being from Nebraska, a state known for its conservative political beliefs, the results of this year’s election put me in a strange position I’ve had trouble articulating to many people in the bay area — Do I assimilate to the culture I’m living in by alienating Trump supporters and pushing them away or do I risk alienating myself by standing up to recognize that there is a larger issue at hand here?



Joe Toscano⚡️
RE: Write

CEO, DataGrade; Author, Automating Humanity; Ft, The Social Dilemma; Contr, Forbes. Changing the world w/ a smile, design & some code.