Would an AI Robot Make a Good Friend?

Thomas Regur
RE: Write
Published in
2 min readOct 7, 2016

They’re getting smarter and maybe we’re caring for each other a little less these days. Things change and sometimes we just need someone to listen while we complain.

And really there is no one better at that than an AI. It’s a sad truth but one we might be facing here very soon.

Let’s hash through some of the qualities that make someone a good friend, and we’ll see if an AI robot can compare.

#1 They make time to talk when you need to talk

An AI could definitely do this, he or she would be there for you anytime of day or night.

#2 They make you laugh

This is a little harder for the AI to accomplish, but over time I think it’s a skill the AI could handle.

#3 They make you feel special

Very doable, but hard to keep up if you know it’s a computer on the other end sending you funny pictures.

#4 They take you out on the town to have fun

This one isn’t really something an AI could accomplish, but if you’re a homebody maybe it doesn’t really matter that much to you. You could also get your AI robot to help you make other friends.

But I’m not sure how people would react to someone going out on the town with an AI Robot.

#5 They can keep a secret

An AI is great at keeping secrets, but even though we might not want to admit it sometimes secrets need to get out. And a good friend is someone who knows when a secret should stay a secret and when it should get out.

I for one would be happy to have a robot friend. I would never have to buy him presents, he would never be mad at me for forgetting his birthday. But would all my other friends leave me in the process?

I’d never have to work to earn his respect and friendship, so yes he’d be a heck of a good friend. But I’d be one shitty person if I never had to work to earn friendship.

