Reach Into Tech!

Reach Into Tech
Published in
2 min readMay 11, 2024

These past few months have been a breathe of fresh air as new experiences, network, opportunities, and realizations came into play.

I’ve been away for the past 4 years in social media, having been fully focused with my game dev studio back in 2020–2022, then traveled around asia in the years after.

During my time of solace, I eventually came to miss the camaraderie of the tech community. But, I was surprised to see that it’s not as active as it was before.

I was fortunate and frankly aggressively stupid when I was first starting my journey in the tech world 8 years ago. I was 17 at the time and started going to various meetups, became a writer, became affiliated in startups, and the like.

During that time, there were lots of opportunities, meetups, and events for students and interested tech goers. It was an interesting era that I miss.

Since then throughout the years, it has shaped my perception towards life. I am grateful for everything I’ve been through, good, bad, and realized that certain opportunities were key steps towards my journey.

Which is why I’ve sought out to give back to what I had before, by reaching out to students orgs of various universities and started a small community where I teach different fields of tech, particularly Game Development and Web Development.

The courses I teach are absolutely free and anyone that is interested to pursue a career in tech is encouraged to join.


The main reason why we’re teaching and doing this is because we want to give back the opportunities we had years ago. We want to give the students of now, and anyone who is interested, the tools and ability to pursue a career in tech.

We’re currently starting small, but we big plans soon.

Lectures are held on a daily basis from Mondays to Fridays, with the current active tracks focused on game development using Unity.

We encourage that is interested to learn to join us!



Reach Into Tech

hi! i like writing and assessing my thoughts/ideas