The Human Touch

Estefania E Ochoa
Reach Platform
Published in
3 min readMar 20, 2023

Why education can’t be reduced to a workflow

*This article was co-written with AI using Chat-GPT. Lol the irony.*

Education is one of the most critical aspects of human growth and development. It sets us apart from other species and allows us to innovate, create and build civilizations. More recently, blockchain development has become one of the fastest-growing industries that have the potential to transform the way we conduct finances, transact, share data, and manage our digital identities. However, despite the power of blockchain tech, we must rely on more than just bots or algorithms to maintain these systems. We still need the support of developers, mentors, and individuals who are available to answer questions and become guides to the new paradigm.

Undoubtedly, technology has transformed the way we gather knowledge, with abundant resources readily available through online courses, tutorials, and videos. However, despite these advancements, technology cannot serve as a complete solution since many people still need practical experience and guidance from educators and peers. After all, having someone to share experiences with is essential for the growth of a network.

Education is not just about memorizing information but rather the development of critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills. Blockchain development is not just about writing code or designing smart contracts. It is also about understanding the complex concepts of decentralized networks, consensus mechanisms, and cryptography. These concepts require a deep understanding that cannot be fully automated, and a developer or mentor can guide others through these complexities and challenge them to think outside their comfort zones. They can provide context, answer questions, and help solve problems. Bots or algorithms cannot replicate this kind of personalized interaction, but maybe AI can come close…? //*Thoughts to ponder on.*//

Secondly, blockchain development is not a one-size-fits-all process. Every student has a unique learning style, pace, and interests. An online course or tutorial may be great for some students, but others may need help to keep up or find it boring. A developer or mentor can customize their approach to suit the needs of each project and provide individualized attention and feedback. You always work a little harder if you have someone to hold you accountable. Group environments can motivate teams to keep learning and push them to achieve full potential.

Thirdly, building trust and collaboration is an essential part of blockchain development. The blockchain technology is still early, and various stakeholders must navigate its intricacies. Therefore, developers need to engage with their peers, participate in discussions and debates, and learn teamwork skills. Creating a secure and supportive environment by a mentor or developer encourages group growth, expression of opinions, and social skill development. This interaction is a critical for success, and human nature cannot be replicated by Algorithms. //*Can AI simulate human behavior?*//

Blockchain development is a complex and multifaceted process that cannot be automated. While technology is growing at scale, we still need the support of developers, mentors, and individuals who can answer questions, provide guidance, and create a collaborative environment. This is why Reach is introducing The Reach[HUB], focused on the human touch of experts to launch a company, find a career, and become a more skilled individual at a more effective rate.

Success is in Reach.

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