Testing Azure Logic Apps is painful! Abort!!

If you give up on the idea after reading, this post has served it’s purpose

Rahul Bhansali
Reaching for the Cloud
1 min readAug 27, 2020


Unlike Azure functions, there’s no way we can run Azure Logic App locally.

  • You need to necessarily deploy a logic app to dev/test environment
  • Run end to end tests as part of the build script using Postman or similar tool
  • Manual Run Trigger is a BAD option because it’s not reliable, not repeatable; it won’t work with automated builds and it’s inefficient.
  • A Blackbox testing approach opens up the possibility for automation, however, it’s hard to ascertain the logic executed the way we expected it to; could be a false positive. Also, tests can involve lots of waiting for something to happen.
  • A Whitebox testing approach, relying on mining diagnostics information available in the EventHub, would make it possible to automate tests that are reliable, repeatable, and provide you with an ability to verify that actions and triggers have executed per your expectations. However, diagnostic events are slow to come through, which can render your tests to be very slow. Also, if you’re having to mine diagnostics logs to perform your assertions, you know you’re working too hard.
  • You’ll also need to maintain different ARM template parameter files for dev, test and production environments to point to environment-specific API connections, Azure functions, email addresses etc.

