React Series: Zero to Hero — Done

Dorell James
React Cebu
Published in
3 min readJul 22, 2019

Four hours of intensive discussion and coding session designed for beginners to learn how to create small to medium-sized ReactJS applications.

Last June 8, exactly two weeks after our community launch, we immediately started the very first session of a series of workshop specifically tailored for beginners.

Did you know that more than 60% of the participants in that event are beginners?

This tells us that we have a very young community of which mostly are just starting. That’s okay, after all, we’re here to help them kickstart their journey of becoming very good React developers and programmers.

Session 5 — Real-world application and deploy it LIVE

After React Series: Zero to Hero — 5 last Aug 3, the 5th session of our workshop for beginners starting to learn ReactJS. 🙂

Session 5 of this series is dedicated to applying everything we learned from the very first session to the last session to create a real-world React application and deploying it LIVE so you can show it to your friends. Dorell James did the workshop for this session.

Session 4 — Hooks

REACT Series: 4th Session Highlight

Session 4 of this series is solely dedicated to discussing Hooks and allowing participants to experience modern React with it. Sean Urgel took the center stage to do all the hard work of discussing an advanced topic.

Session 3 — Routing and Redux

After React Series: Zero to Hero — 3 last July 13, the 3rd session of our workshop for beginners starting to learn ReactJS. 🙂

Session 3 of this series includes the following topics:

Session 2 — Forms and Event Handling

After React Series: Zero to Hero — 2 last July 6, the 2nd session of our workshop for beginners starting to learn ReactJS. 🙂

Session 2 of this series includes the following topics:

We originally planned on finishing React Routing in this session but we took the time to recap everything we’ve done in Session 1 and allowed our participants to re-apply what they learn from the previous session into this session even if that means we take too much time proceeding.

Session 1 — Intro to React (components and more)

After React Series: Zero to Hero — 1 last June 8, the very first session of our workshop for beginners starting to learn ReactJS. 🙂

Session 1 of this series includes the following topics:

  • Function and Class Component
  • ReactDOM & JSX
  • State & Props
  • Conditional Rendering
  • List & Conditionals
  • Lifecycle Methods
  • Immutability
  • Routing
  • Forms & Event Handling
  • HTTP

Of the topics listed above, we went short of time and didn’t manage to cover Forms and Event Handling.



Dorell James
React Cebu

Aspiring solopreneur, educator, web developer and community builder