Instant learn React Redux 4 & Redux Toolkit in minutes. A 2020 Reactjs 16 Tutorial.

Eli Elad Elrom
Master React
Published in
10 min readJun 3, 2020


If you ever wanted to learn Redux or Redux toolkit using React and just can’t find the time or dreading it? Follow the steps I am about to show you in this tutorial and you too can learn Redux and use it in your project in a matter of minutes. In this set of articles on Medium, you will learn both the Redux and Redux toolkit and you will be able to figure out when to use it and implement it into your project greenfield project or existing project.

Redux is un-opinionated, meaning you can do as you please in terms of architecture and practices. However, the Redux team's official recommended approach is to use a separate add-on package called Redux Toolkit, which includes some opinionated defaults to help use Redux more effectively. We could go and focus on that, however, it’s easier to first learn Redux as its based on the same components. You will get there in the next article, once you master the Redux basics. Here is a link to the next article:

Figure 1: Image credit: @sweetpagesco

Why should you learn Redux?

Redux is an open-source JavaScript library for managing application state. It is most commonly used with libraries such as React or Angular for…

