Publish the MERN stack on Ubuntu Server 18.04 or 20.04 with ‘certbot’ SSL — Part I

Eli Elad Elrom
Master React
Published in
11 min readSep 27, 2020


The MERN stack makes the development process easier. That goes not just for development, it also applies to when it’s time to publish your work. If you follow Agile and Scrum methodologies you know how important it is to publish quickly and publish often. In this article, I will give you the steps you need to publish your App on a Ubuntu server including setting up a free SSL.

MERN on Ubuntu 18.04 / 20.04

This is a two-part article;

  1. Publish the MERN stack on Ubuntu — this part.
  2. MERN Deployment script with Grunt

What is the MERN stack?

MERN stack is a JavaScript stack that makes the development process easier as it all based on Javascript. MERN includes four open-source technologies: MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js. These technologies provide us a complete end-to-end cycle from front-end to back-end frameworks.

Why Ubuntu Server?

When it comes to publishing work there are many servers and approaches to take. You can set a virtual non-dedicated server, split the front-end from the back-end into two separate servers, Heroku, Windows Server, you can even use Serverless Framework, just to name a few, the options are limitless.

