React Charts Built on D3 — What should you pick? Rechart, Visx, Nivo, React-VI, or Victory.

Eli Elad Elrom
Master React
Published in
16 min readFeb 16, 2021


As a team leads, startup advisor, CTO, or any technology professional you may need to make a decision, what should you use when you need a chart in a React-based project.

Yes, d3 is the standard when it comes to creating charts. Combining React with d3 gives an additional benefit as taking advantage of the React VDOM can ensure the DOM is only getting updated when needed as well as including other React libraries.

In this article, I will be exploring the most popular React with d3 libraries and show you a simple implementation.

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Why use Ready-made components?

There are gazillion libraries out there built on top of d3 that includes ready to use components, tested, cross-platform, include documentation, community support, examples, mock data, and much more.

With that said, creating a truly innovative visualization chart may be a challenge using a chart “library” and a good chance that you may find yourself in need to either create your chart from scratch using d3 or fork the original library you used to achieve more control over the chart.

However, these 3rd party libraries do have their propose and can help create a proof of concept (POC) or…

