Set An Ultimate React Automated Dev & CI cycle with Husky, Jest, Puppeteer, Github Actions,, Coveralls, Travis & DeepScan

Eli Elad Elrom
Master React
Published in
11 min readOct 29, 2020


When it comes to publishing quality code there are many ways to configure your project and it gets very opinionated, what should you use? how should you configure? The options seem limitless.

In this article, my aim is to equip you with some opinionated tools to ensure the quality of your code is high and help you avoid hiccups.

The process starts in our development environment by setting coding guidelines, sticking to these guidelines, and continue from there to create unit tests, integrating these tests (Integration Testing), then End-To-End (E2E) testing and coverage. Once we have done that, we can move to our continuous integration (CI) cycle.

Continuous Integration (CI) is merging all the devs copies into a shared mainline. Done as often as possible.

On the CI side, our code still needs to be tested and checked for coverage, quality, dependencies ensuring we really followed the tests and coding guidelines we set, finding potential coding errors, and lastly giving the green light to show that it’s all good and deploy. Rinse and repeat.

In this article, I will cover my opinionated ultimate React quality development & deployment cycle (Husky → Puppeteer → Github workflow → → Coveralls → Travis → DeepScan).

